Fields: Add/Edit Search Limit

Add/Edit Search Limit lets you add a new search limit to your system, or edit the information for an existing search limit. You can edit the entry code, name, language, or the search expression associated with the search limit.

A search limit only affects searches of the Discovery search targets. Searches of federated search targets are never restricted by search limits.

If you add a search limit or edit a search limit expression, or if you add, edit, or remove a search limit from a profile, you must re-index your data and refresh the Discovery administrator database metadata cache in the Discovery Server application. For more information, see Refreshing the search cache. Your changes to search limits will not be reflected in Searching or when a search limit is applied to search results until you have completed these tasks.

Search Limits > Add Search Limit

Search Limits > Edit option

When you add or edit a search limit, you must specify a unique code in the Entry Code field. If you specify an entry code for a search limit that is currently being used for another search limit, the software highlights the Entry Code field and displays an error message. The message indicates that the value is already being used by another search limit, and that the entry code you enter must be unique to the search limit that you are adding or editing.

When you have finished entering data on the page, choose OK to save your changes, or choose Cancel to discard your changes and return to Search Limits.

Those fields in the interface that are marked with an asterisk ( * ) are required. If you do not enter information for a field that is required, the software prompts you that the information is missing.

Operand Builder Fields

The Operand Builder fields are used to create an individual search criterion that is used in Searching. For example, the patron may want to limit the search results to include only items owned by the Main Library. In this case, “library” is the search criterion, or the operand, and its value is “Main Library.”


Specifies the search field by which the search results are to be limited. Examples of search fields include Author, Title, Library, Genre, and Publication Year.

If the selected search field is a global search field or a site-specific search field, the Value field changes to a palette to display the available values that can be assigned for the selected search field.

Note: For more information about a specific search field, you can view its description in Search Fields in Search Configuration.

Refresh Values

Checks to see if the selected search field has library-defined values. If the search field you choose in the Field field has existing defined values, the Value field changes from a text field to a drop-down list box. If the selected search field does not have existing defined values in the system, the Value field remains as a text field.


Specifies how a selected search field’s value relates to the specified value. The following table describes the operators that are available.

Operator Description


Include a record in the results if its value for the selected search field is equal to, or exactly has, the specified value. For example, if the specified value is cat, the search results will include only exact matches of “cat” in a record’s search field. If the search field contains the string “catalog,” the record is not a match.


Includes a record in the results if it's value for the selected search field is not equal to the exact specified value.


Includes a record in the results if its value for the selected search field is less than the specified value.


Includes a record in the results if its value for the selected search field is greater than the specified value.


Includes a record in the results if its value for the selected search field is less than or exactly equal to the specified value.


Includes a record in the results if its value for the selected search field is greater than or exactly equal to the specified value.


Includes a record in the results if its value for the selected search field includes the specified value. This operator can return partial matches as well as exact matches in the search results list. For example, if the specified value is cat, the search results may include matches of “cat,” “catamaran,” “scathing,” and “placate” in a record’s search field.

does not contain

Includes a record in the results if its value for the selected search field is anything that does not include the specified value.

begins with

Includes a record in the search results if its value for the selected search field starts with the same alphanumeric value as the specified alphanumeric value.

is empty

Includes a record in the results if it does not have any value for the selected search field.

Note: This operator refers to a field that exists for the record but is empty. For more information about how a search limit applies if a field is completely absent, see Evaluation Type.


Specifies the desired alphanumeric string to be used in determining whether the document is a match, or not. Examples of values include “Grisham, John,” “The Runaway Jury,””North Library,” “adult fiction,” and “2009.” If the string is typed, the maximum character limit is 4096 characters.

Note:  A typed value may include quotation marks if you want to include them when search fields are checked for possible matching text. For example, if you want a value to be Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan, type Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan in the Value field.

If the search field selected in the Field field is a global search field or a site-specific search field, the Value field changes to a palette to display the available values that can be selected for the Value field. For example, if Language is selected in the Field field, the Value field changes to a palette that displays all of the available languages in the Available Values list.

You can select or multiselect one or more values and then click Select, or you can double-click individual values to move them to the Operand Values list. Select a single value and use the arrow buttons to move it to or from the Operand Values list.

To add or remove values in the Operand Values list, choose the value, and then use these buttons:

Option Description


Moves the selected value from the Available Values list to the Operand Values list.


Removes the selected value from the Operand Values list and returns it to the Available Values list.

Note: These buttons are context-sensitive based on which value(s) you choose. For example, if you select a value in the Available Values list, the Remove option is disabled if the Operand Values list is empty because that command is not applicable to an empty Operand Values list. If you select a value from the Selected Values list, the Select option is enabled because that command is used for adding the selected value to the Operand Values list.

Build Operand

Creates the operand defined in the Operand Builder and opens the Expression Builder and Search Limit fields. The operand is added to the Operand lists in the Expression Builder. You can continue to define operands and add them to the Expression Builder, or you can start defining the expression.

Note: Operands are saved only for the current session. When you save or cancel out of a search limit, any operands you defined that are not used in the saved search limit are not saved.

When you edit a search limit, the operands used in the search limit expression are still present in the expression builder.

Expression Builder Fields

The Expression Builder fields are used to create a complex search expression for the search limit. A complex expression is a combination of two or more operands (search criteria), or even a combination of already-combined operands. For example, you can create a complex expression to limit the search results to only items owned by the Main Library and are in English. In this case, LIBRARY = “Main Library” is the first operand, and LANGUAGE = “English” is the second operand. A record is considered a match only if it satisfies both operands.

If you are adding a new search limit, the Expression Builder fields only display when you define an operand in the Operand Builder fields and choose Build Operand.


Specifies the first operand (search criterion). In the Expression Builder, the Operand list consists of single operands (such as LIBRARY = “Main Library”) and combined operands (such as LIBRARY = “Main Library” OR LIBRARY = “Branch Library”) that have been created during the current Admin console session.

Note:  The selections in the Operand field are not retained between Admin console sessions.


Specifies how the first selected operand relates to the selected second operand. The following table describes the operators that are available.

Operator Description


Creates an expression to produce a search results list of records that match both the first selected operand and the second selected operand.


Create an expression to produce a search results list of items that match either the first selected operand, or the second selected operand.


Specifies the second operand. The Operand list consists of single operands (such as LANGUAGE = “English”) and combined operands (such as LANGUAGE = “English” OR LANGUAGE =“French”) that have been created during the current Admin console session.

Note:  The selections in the Operand field are not retained between Admin console sessions.

Search Limit Fields

The Search Limit fields specify the entry code, name, language, and search expression for the selected search limit.

If you are adding a new search limit, the Search Limit fields only display when you define an operand in the Operand Builder fields and choose Build Operand.

Entry Code

Specifies a unique code for the search limit (up to 30 characters). This code is used to identify the limit on the Search Limits page and on any other pages that display the search limit code. This field is required.

Codes are displayed in all upper case letters. If you enter lower case alphanumeric characters for the code, the software automatically converts them to upper case when the code is displayed. The Entry Code cannot include spaces. If you enter a space, Portfolio will display an error message when you save the settings.

Note:  This value must be unique. If you specify an entry code that is already being used for an existing search limit and try to save the search limit, the software highlights the Entry Code field and displays an error message. The message indicates that the value is already being used by another search limit, and that the entry code you enter must be unique to the search limit that you are adding or editing.


Specifies the system name of the search limit (up to 80 characters) for the selected language. This name is used to identify the limit on the Search Limits page and on any other pages in the Admin console that display the search limit name. This field is required.

For this field, you can also specify an alternate name for a specific language. Choose the language from the drop-down list of supported languages in the Admin console, then enter the localized name in the Name field.

Note: If your web browser is configured to use a display language that is not supported by Portfolio, and you have chosen to display the Admin console in a language other than the default language, the language that displays in the drop-down list of supported languages changes to the default language. The default language appears with a “++” suffix.

Evaluation Type

Specifies how to handle search sources that do not include one or more fields on which the limit has been based. Depending on the evaluation type you select, items from search sources that do not include the field may be included in or omitted from the search results.

Important: The Evaluation Type for a Search Limit is applied before any checks for an empty field based on the Operand Builder are performed. In other words, if a data source does not have a certain field, and the search limit allows that field to be empty, the Evaluation Type determines if records from that data source are included for the limit. If the Evaluation Type is Inclusive, they are included, but if the Evaluation Type is Exclusive, they are not included.

Note: The Evaluation Type only has an effect when a field being considered in the search limit is completely absent from the search source, such as the Library field could be absent from eRC search sources or the Abstract field could be absent from book records.

Option Description


Excludes all items of a search source from results if the search limit includes any fields that are not present in the search source. This effectively excludes certain search sources from the search.

For example, the Library field is not found in eRC search sources. If you create a search limit that limits by library and choose the Exclusive evaluation type, all eRC records will be excluded from the results because the search data source does not contain the Library field.


Includes all items of a search source in the results if the search limit includes any fields that are not present in the search source. This effectively includes all items from certain search sources in the search limit.

For example, the Library field is not found in eRC search sources. If you create a search limit that limits by library and choose the Inclusive evaluation type, all eRC records will be included in the results.

Default True

If a field used in the expression is not present in a specific search source, that operand will evaluate to true. Whether or not an item actually gets included in the search results depends on whether the item's fields are true for other operands in the expression.

For example, say you create this expression: SUBJECT contains "US history" AND LIBRARY = "Main Branch". Because the eRC search source does not have the Library field, when Default True is the evaluation type, that portion of the limit is evaluated as TRUE. If the eRC title matches the rest of the expression, it is returned with the search results.

Default False

If a field used in the expression is not present in a specific search source, that operand will evaluate to false. Whether or not an item actually gets included in the search results depends on whether the item's fields are true for other operands in the expression.

Consider the search expression used above whereSUBJECT contains "US history" AND LIBRARY = "Main Branch". If Default False is the evaluation type, then any eRC sources would not appear in the results because the second half of the expression would default to FALSE. However, if the search limit used "OR" as the operator instead (SUBJECT contains "US history" OR LIBRARY = "Main Branch"), then eRC titles can show up in the results, as long as the subject contains US history.


Specifies the search expression that will be used in Searching when the selected search limit is chosen by the patron to narrow a list of search results, or is applied to all searches by patrons with a particular profile. The selections in this list are the operands and expressions that have been created in the current Admin console session.

Since a search expression may be too lengthy to display within the Expression field, the selected search expression displays in its entirety as text below the Expression field.

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